Friday, November 1, 2013

A Haunted Walk

My hubby and I have no children yet, so we unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how you look at it), don't have a plethora of delicious Halloween candy laying around the house waiting to be eaten.  We did however, take a walk around our neighborhood last night and boy oh boy, was it a party!  People from different parts of LA actually drive to our neighborhood to check out all the decked out Halloween homes.  At times we had to walk on to the street to get around the packs of Trick-or-Treaters.  Everyone was having a blast, including the parents out with other parents enjoying a warm evening walk with their deliriously excited kiddos.
Here are a couple homes we saw on our walk.  I have some day photos from a few days ago and a couple night photos.

The pic above is a close-up of the photo before it. That photo changes as you walk by it from an old-timie kid portrait to zombie kids portrait. Freaky!

I wish this one would have come out better. It really did look like a movie set, including that ball representing a full moon hanging in the tree in the upper-right corner.  You're just going to have to trust me on this one, super scary and cool.

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