Sunday, July 13, 2014

Morning Thougts

I just updated the appearance of my blog yesterday.  I was inspired to figure out some of the html, blah, blah, blah. Anyhow, I think it turned out alright.  It's kind of like cleaning your room when you have an assignment due.  I always did that in college.  Before I could get started on any work, I had to clean my room.  I'm going to attempt to recharge my blog, but before that starts, I wanted to "clean it up" first.  Some people may call it procrastinating, I like to think of it as a nice shower.

For over a year I've been keeping a journal.  A friend introduced me to the book, The Artist's Way.  The book has you go on a course over three of four months.  Part of it is writing 3 pages every morning right when you get up.  It has become such a part of me that if I skip it, I feel a little off.  As you can imagine, sometimes the daily posts can get pretty boring and the same.  

Two weeks ago, my friend, Alecia Whitaker's young adult novel, Wildflower, came out.  I grabbed it on the first day and just finished it yesterday.  She's an excellent writer and I recommend getting it, no matter what your age.  The point I'm trying to get to, is that her main character keeps a songwriting journal.  And while I'm not trying to write songs, I thought maybe writing poetry would help spice up my Morning Pages for the month.  

Feeling the need to tell you, dear reader, that I know absolutely nothing about poetry, I've decided to choose one of my poems from each week to include in this revamped blog. So, don't judge too harshly, I'm just having fun.

This first poem I titled Morning.


Is it already?
Just one more minute.
Awake to appreciate
the feel of cotton against my face.
my Morning lying next to me
still dreaming of the night.
In the quiet
exploring new worlds
discovering new lands
content alone
to be the first
a badge of honor.

The birds have known all along.
They tell me of battles won,
bring news from other lands
all in a mornings work.
We gossip
I, with my coffee
them, from their perch
much to catch up on
I'm not the first.

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