Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Feeling Young Again

I'm a little late in my personal challenge to post a poem a week from my journal.   Here's my original post explaining the challenge.

So once again I feel the need to add that I don't consider myself a poet, but wanted to shake up my morning journal writing and start writing in my blog again.  I'm having fun with a challenge to myself of writing a daily poem taken from random words I see in my journal.  I'm picking one of those poems every week to post on my blog.  Here's the latest.


between my toes
bring memories of summers past
bicycles, popsicles
adventure at every turn.
goofy grins, kool aid mustaches
battle scars, "tag you're it!"

do you carry it with you?
the smell of fresh cut lawn,
hot tar on the driveways
sprinklers to chase
feeling like you're tricking the world
to stay up past your bedtime
the sun's still out!
Not a moment to waste
imagination on fire
following a butterfly could take over hours

do you carry it with you?
do you remember to remove your shoes,
to allow the grass between your toes?
can you come out to play?

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