Monday, December 2, 2013

It Smells A Lot Like Christmas

I hope you had a peaceful and joy-filled Thanksgiving weekend.  It's Monday and back to work.  Luckily we're still in the holiday season which always helps me to take things a little more slowly during this month.  For some reason, this season always makes me want to focus on being present and in the moment.

I came across this recipe for "Christmas in a Jar".  I am going to make up a batch tonight.  Our sense of smell is such a strong connector to memories and this smell brings back very happy memories for me.  It's from the cute blog, dandee. 

  • 5 cinnamon sticks 
  • 1 dried lemon slice 
  • 1 dried orange slice
  •  1/2 cup whole cloves 
  • 1 tbs. nutmeg 
  • 1/4 cup whole allspice 
  • 1 tbs. bay leaf pieces 
  • 3 dried apple slices 
Combine ingredients. Add water to simmer on stovetop.

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