Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Last Minute DIY Christmas Trees

Did you decide not to decorate much for Christmas and now it's a week away and you regret not having a tree?  I've got a few easy suggestions for you that don't involve watering anything.

1. Shipping Tree

2.  Spare Branches and Twigs Tree

3. Yarn Tree

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Gold or Silver Vase

I have a pile of vases under my sink that could use some loving.  I came across this project that would help add a little class to them.  This could also make nice candle holders. 

Choose your paint color in spray paint and have fun.
Use painters tape and after you've sprayed the vases, don't leave the tape on too long or when you remove it, it may remove the paint with it.
Also make sure the tape is on good (without any bumps that would allow the paint to seep in).


Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Ordinarily Wonderful

I came across this quote on Pinterest and had to share.
 "time stands still
best in moments
that look
ordinary life."
I hope during this holiday season, you find time to admire the way the clouds wisp across the sky or how the snow sticks in your eyelashes, or the way the moon glows on a frosty night.

     A winter sunset walk around Lake Calhoun, MN.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Pretty as a Postcard

I was hoping to get to this project this weekend, but alas, time got away from me.  Some of it was spent going to see Inside Llewyn Davis, written and directed by the Coen brothers.  If you haven't seen it and you like their stuff, you won't be disappointed.  It's definitely one of my favorite movies of the season and I see A LOT of movies.  Here's a little clip, the music is amazing.


Okay, I'm done being distracted now.  Here are the postcards I will get started on soon.  I thought these could be fun Christmas cards, if you found old black and white holiday photos.  Even just old postcards with snow and use more "holiday" paint colors with them.  It's from the cute blog, Lovely Indeed.


Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Turkey Chili with Ginger and Lime to Warm You Up!

With most of the country in a cold snap, I thought today would be I good day to make some of my favorite chili.  This is my friend Sara's recipe and this girl knows how to cook!   A lot of the measurements are "some" or "to taste" because this is a play as you go chili.  If you need specific measurements, maybe check out some other chili recipes for ideas.  I add a half bag of frozen corn to this concoction, but up to you if you want to add it or not.  You could also make this a vegetarian chili or beef, it's up to you.

Ground Turkey - 1.5 lbs
1 T of Peanut Oil (to brown turkey)
Diced Onion (1/2 to whole medium)
Crushed Garlic - 3 cloves
2 Cans Diced Tomatoes
1 Can Black Beans
1 little can of green chilies (optional, it's too spicy for my family)
Juice of 1 lime
Cumin - about 1 tablespoon, you can adjust to what you like
Chili Powder - some (see, this is what I was talking about ;)
Celery Salt - to taste
Black Pepper - to taste
Oregano - 1 tsp
Tabasco - 4 to 5 shakes of the bottle (our family uses the milder green version, we're whimps)
Paprika (optional) - 1 tsp
Ginger (optional) - 1 tsp
1/2 bag of frozen corn (optional)
Cilantro - garnish (optional)
We also like to add a T of greek plain yogurt (or sour cream) and some shredded cheese - garnish

Brown Turkey and Onions in a large skillet.

Add everything else in pot (including browned turkey and onions) and simmer for a minimum of 15 - 20 minutes.

Garnish with cheese, cilantro and plain greek yogurt (or sour cream).  This also makes delicious leftovers.  I usually make up a batch and have a bowl for lunch for a few days.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Kids Christmas Mantel

I'm in the decorating mood and although I posted my mantel yesterday, I am also completely in love with this one from the blog, Little Bit Funky.  If you have kids, this could be such a fun project to get their help on. The little village she created is from cardboard, if you don't have any boxes laying around you could check your grocery store to see if they have any from their produce you could grab.  Then pick up some paint and have at it.  The little wooden people (your family members) can be purchased at any craft store or online.  Bright colors are the key.  I'd love to see pics!


Monday, December 2, 2013

Easy (and cheap) Decorations for Christmas Mantel

I have to admit, I broke a few days before Thanksgiving and decorated our house for Christmas.  To be fair though, I waited until the day after Christmas to start playing the music and watching holiday movies.

My husband and I are always visiting our families over Christmas so we usually don't buy a real tree.  Hopefully we'll get to have family coming to visit us for holidays soon, but for now, I do minimal decorating.  Most of it involves our little mantel in our living room.

With this year's mantel I embraced the Yesteryear (ha!) theme.  We have tons of old hardcover books and other antique store finds, like the super eight camera in the photo. 

I'm feeling very nostalgic this year and wanted to reflect those feelings in our decorations.  I bought those yummy cinnamon scented pinecones from the grocery store for $3.99 and strung them together with thin rope I had in my tool chest.  Then I arranged and stacked some of our old books, adding candles and meaningful trinkets to the display, trying not to go too overboard.  The little tree was a $12.99 find at Target and made me think of the Charlie Brown Christmas tree, another memory from my childhood.  So there you have it, quick, easy and cheap decorating that brings a smile to my face every time I look at it.

I would love to see your crafty decorations!

It Smells A Lot Like Christmas

I hope you had a peaceful and joy-filled Thanksgiving weekend.  It's Monday and back to work.  Luckily we're still in the holiday season which always helps me to take things a little more slowly during this month.  For some reason, this season always makes me want to focus on being present and in the moment.

I came across this recipe for "Christmas in a Jar".  I am going to make up a batch tonight.  Our sense of smell is such a strong connector to memories and this smell brings back very happy memories for me.  It's from the cute blog, dandee.


  • 5 cinnamon sticks 
  • 1 dried lemon slice 
  • 1 dried orange slice
  •  1/2 cup whole cloves 
  • 1 tbs. nutmeg 
  • 1/4 cup whole allspice 
  • 1 tbs. bay leaf pieces 
  • 3 dried apple slices 
Combine ingredients. Add water to simmer on stovetop.